YimingWu ChengduLittleA
  • Joined on 2014-05-03
YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109108 2023-06-19 05:26:08 +02:00
Rigid body: Animated body collision geometry have unapplied scale for the first frame.

Hi @hoanguk , I can replicate the issue. Looks like those cubes are colliding with a "wrong" shape of that rod. Applying scale on that rod fixes the issue.

Not sure why the colliding shape is…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109107 2023-06-19 05:20:26 +02:00
Blender Crashes when Shading Tab is open

Hi there, could you try the steps here in the Windows section and give us crash logs and system info files? Thanks! https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/3.6/troubleshooting/crash.html#windows


YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109105 2023-06-19 05:12:32 +02:00
Splitting two modifier keys between two input devices doesn't work

This is very likely be a system limit where it doesn't expect two keyboard manipulating key states together. GetKeyState and GetKeyboardState under windows has no keyboard device argument.…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109100 2023-06-19 05:00:51 +02:00
Auto perspective desn't work in "align to active"

Can confirm. Looks like this is a corner case that auto perspective fails to handle.

YimingWu closed issue blender/blender#109099 2023-06-19 04:58:29 +02:00
Edit Mode: Triangulate Faces create randomly aligned edges for sides of cube
YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109099 2023-06-19 04:58:27 +02:00
Edit Mode: Triangulate Faces create randomly aligned edges for sides of cube

This is dependent on the vertex order of the mesh and other stuff. Here it looks like that floating point precision may have decided some quads are slightly slanted to some different direction…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109098 2023-06-19 04:55:12 +02:00
Unexpected bone rotation behaviour

Hi, I'm not sure I could replicate the issue:

  • The file is in Edit mode, the bone in edit mode will rotate to a minimal twist state \if not constrained, and when rotating it freely the…
YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109097 2023-06-19 04:46:54 +02:00
Knife tool shortcut doesn't use user defined angle constraint value.

Hi @StevenBurgess , from here it looks like in both mode you could set angle constraint with A and enter a value, tested from 3.5.1~4.0, if you do not use A then the angle is not constrained…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109096 2023-06-19 04:41:59 +02:00
Total System Crash From Use of Any Bump Mapping

@Michael-Jones Could you take a look with that file? Thanks!

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109081 2023-06-18 03:47:50 +02:00
Swap Strips can delete strips if there is not enough space

Can confirm it's deleting the longer strip.

Will upload a file to replicate the problem.

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109077 2023-06-18 03:33:58 +02:00
Content of the previous blender project appear in new file.

Hi there, you probably have saved start up file during the making of your old project. Try factory reset Blender, or File->New->General (or any other one that's correct) and then save start up…

YimingWu closed issue blender/blender#109066 2023-06-18 03:20:01 +02:00
Secondary window garbled display when using Pen Display HUION GT-191
YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109066 2023-06-18 03:19:58 +02:00
Secondary window garbled display when using Pen Display HUION GT-191

Hi! Glad it worked! Since the problem is resolved, I'll close the issue for now, but I'll poke developers about this, maybe we could find some more detailed answer. This is most likely due to the…

YimingWu closed issue blender/blender#109069 2023-06-17 11:26:28 +02:00
Square thingy while texture painting
YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109069 2023-06-17 11:26:26 +02:00
Square thingy while texture painting

Hi there! Looks like you have duplicated faces that appear underneath, after removing those with Merge By Distance, things restored to normal. This is probably caused by some previous steps…

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109066 2023-06-17 11:21:16 +02:00
Secondary window garbled display when using Pen Display HUION GT-191

@4verageGamer , I noticed you have 2 video cards, did you connect two monitors to two different video cards? As far as I know, Blender doesn't work well with multiple displays connected to…

YimingWu closed issue blender/blender#109050 2023-06-17 11:14:48 +02:00
FreeStyle not matching lines in compositing nodetree
YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109050 2023-06-17 11:14:46 +02:00
FreeStyle not matching lines in compositing nodetree

Ah ok then. I guess we can mark this as a known issue and close the report. Thanks!

YimingWu commented on issue blender/blender#109042 2023-06-17 11:14:03 +02:00
Baking Normal and Displacement from Multires is different than previous versions

@Daniel-Verduzco-Villanueva Will check this way, thanks, although I suspect that doing it like this would lose UV info? Did you make the file in 3.3 or later version? It's however best to have a…

YimingWu closed issue blender/blender#109054 2023-06-16 15:31:55 +02:00
Grease Pencil: Wrong 3D sorting