jack conradsen STANN.co
  • Joined on 2020-01-05
jack conradsen commented on issue blender/blender#108992 2024-08-19 19:13:29 +02:00
Cycles: Ambient Occlusion not working with OptiX OSL

The darker droplets is because you mix with black based on ambient occlusion, and the pool is occuluded by the droplets <img width="297" alt="image" src="attachments/0ce91947-aa7c-403a-90ad-c…

jack conradsen commented on issue blender/blender#62517 2024-07-27 23:26:49 +02:00
Scene strips in the VSE are excessively slow to playback.

@snuq When rendering in the viewport every pixels stays on the GPU. The sequencer needs the pixels on the CPU so it transfers everything back to the CPU to do additional sequencer, imaging and…

jack conradsen commented on issue blender/blender#82060 2024-06-26 18:57:55 +02:00
Blender 2.91 - Shader groups don't reset to "default value" assigned.

this is old but still unintuitive, you would expect right clicking on "reset to default value" would set it to whatever you set as the "Default" within a material group. Even if that is not what…

jack conradsen opened issue studio/blender-studio-pipeline#316 2024-06-22 22:27:06 +02:00
after deleting some elements from previous rig components (squish spine. physics, and others) regenerating caused an error
jack conradsen opened issue blender/blender#123507 2024-06-20 19:02:01 +02:00
weird pose-mode snapping happens when working too fast
jack conradsen opened issue studio/blender-studio-pipeline#312 2024-06-14 14:38:48 +02:00
Bug pertaining to F-curve and rig generation
jack conradsen commented on issue blender/blender#74367 2024-06-09 15:04:19 +02:00
Bump Map and Normal Map causes flat shading.

that was my report mentioned, seems it isn't new. it would be cool if issues like these get fixed in our lifetime 😛

jack conradsen commented on issue blender/blender#122940 2024-06-09 08:58:47 +02:00
inputting noise on a bump node shows non-smooth true normals

for posterity here's the same issue being discussed 5 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/blenderhelp/comments/czj5xq/bump_node_smooth_shading_problem/ more recent threads are also being made from…

jack conradsen opened issue blender/blender#122940 2024-06-09 08:57:36 +02:00
inputting noise on a bump node shows non-smooth true normals
jack conradsen opened issue blender/blender#113131 2023-10-02 00:50:09 +02:00
duplicate linked broken
jack conradsen commented on issue blender/blender#62517 2023-09-22 00:58:10 +02:00
Scene strips in the VSE are excessively slow to playback.

i am still finding this an incredibly big hiccup in my workflow. I have animations with sometimes many different scenes, which i align in the sequencer. But since i am unable to preview stuff the…

jack conradsen commented on issue blender/blender#112230 2023-09-11 16:01:37 +02:00
Transfer shape key is only working for meshes

The shape key edit mode is for meshes only as suggested by button tooltip. I can look into transfer shape key function to see if it is limited as well. If that is a bug I will edit the report.…

jack conradsen commented on issue blender/blender#112230 2023-09-11 15:24:55 +02:00
Transfer shape key is only working for meshes

transfer shape key, does not work on non meshes either. The appeal is that nurbs have way less points, making them easier to work with than regular meshes. So the fact you can only use most…

jack conradsen commented on issue blender/blender#112230 2023-09-11 15:13:18 +02:00
Transfer shape key is only working for meshes

my own project, i am trying to align eyelashes, but the option doesn't do anything. Making it a harder process

jack conradsen opened issue blender/blender#112230 2023-09-11 15:11:27 +02:00
Shape key edit mode, doesn't work for nurbs
jack conradsen opened issue blender/blender#112191 2023-09-10 00:06:32 +02:00
Pack UV's crashes blender
jack conradsen opened issue blender/blender#112089 2023-09-07 17:28:39 +02:00
Most shader nodes default values are not the same as their initial values
jack conradsen opened issue blender/blender#110925 2023-08-08 14:58:36 +02:00
mirror modifier and subdivision surface.on_cage enabled crashes blender
jack conradsen commented on issue blender/blender#109943 2023-07-11 00:30:07 +02:00
imported scenes in video sequencer, don't use the scenes own dimensions

additionally stuff scales wrong. Even when changing the origin point. The bounding box has almost no connection to the actual footage

jack conradsen opened issue blender/blender#109943 2023-07-10 22:57:13 +02:00
imported scenes in video sequencer, don't use the scenes own dimensions