@JacquesLucke also what if we call it "Bake" only? I think path is redundant there.
I wonder if we could have the path disabled + "a disable toltip" for node-trees that have no simulation nodes. Or optionally not showing them at all.
I found a bug which is probably not related to this patch, just more "visible" now : If I try to bake to a folder that I have no access to it doesn't tell me that it failed to bake.
I didn't test, but the behaviour described seems aligned to what was agreed on.
Sorry a bit late to the party, but shouldn't it be "Spreadsheet" instead of "Spreadsheet Editors"?
I think overall simple is better. We can also add more options later. In other words, 4 options should be enough for now.
For the records, this addresses the "Use block border and add Catalags" item:
diff --git a/source/blender/editors/asset/intern/asset_shelf_catalog_selector.cc b/source/blender/editors/asset…
Commited as:
- cbd838d077b108fca8bba8f543c18ee1fdf0985b
- a15c637e63798f61aebb777aca54acaed3bf562c
- 676c6d8e9a9a08ad035496fe3ad0e23814a882cf
Incorporated Pablo's suggestion as a separate commit (using bpy.app.version_string as a start point, but making it lower case and to use -
Hi @Sergey,
The version and release cycle, as well as platform, branch name, GPU, build hash are already encoded into the UR
This is only the case for the bug reports. The same doesn' t…
good point, I now check for .blender.org or if the entire domain is blender.org (in case someone forgets to use www.)