Will have a look into this (both making imagepaint consistent as well as have all relevant operators respect the hidden state -- after talking in chat, this seems to have consensus amongst…
Hm, to me it looks like the drawing of the range is actually wrong.
Note though that it has bee tried to correct this [which has then been reverted for reasons I dont fully grasp...…
Can confirm, will check.
Caused by 16fbadde363c8074ec725fa1e1079add096bd741
@CharlesWardlaw : seeing handling active, but how about BKE_id_attributes_default_color_set
Which operators? (might look into something that respects it for all appropriate operators)
Just noting this is also for other modes using paint mask (vertexpaint & imagepaint equally benefit from it), noice!
Just noting this is also for other modes using paint mask (vertexpaint & imagepaint equally benefit from it), noice!
Caused by f68e50a263b8a970075c8fd540a985f2798e1d13
(own undo pushes for navigation were added in befe38fe1dfbbdac9ed9ef61853800426e5966c5)
So this is actually intended behavior regarding the…
Since #106134 is now fixed, and this report is also fixed for me, will close. (of course feel free to comment again if issues still persist, we can always reopen in such case)
OKi, that is good to hear, will close then
So if I understand correctly, the duplication does not really cause additional problems, it is basically the same as un-duplicated, right?
If that is the case, and the current behavior is…
OK, thx getting back, you might want to consider reporting this to the Addon author(s) instead.
Will close.
Yeah I have experiences on other modifiers doing this kind of thing as well, not sure if these are all bugs or if there's any design incentives to it (I doubt).
Modifiers in editmode you…
Just check the steam version and I also cant reproduce this.
Does this happen with Factory Defaults? File
> Defaults
> Load Factory Settings